Terms and Conditions ‘Panerai x Swisswatches Manufacture Trip’ Competition


Competition ‘Panerai x Swisswatches Manufacture Trip’


By participating in the competition, you accept all the following conditions of participation. It is strongly recommended that you read the conditions of participation carefully.

From 9 September 2024, 09:00 am to 9 November 2024, 09:00 am, swisswatches.media GmbH (‘SWISSWATCHES’) is organising the ‘Panerai x Swisswatches Manufacture Trip’ competition (‘Competition’) with its competition partner Richemont Northern Europe GmbH (‘PANERAI’). During the aforementioned period, participants in the competition (‘Participants’) can register at https://swisswatches-magazine.de/panerai-submersible-luna-rossa-2024/ via the integrated registration button by entering their contact details (title, first name, surname, place of residence, e-mail address and birthday) in the entry form available there. This will give them the opportunity to win a two-day trip offered by PANERAI to the PANERAI manufacture in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) for four selected winners. PANERAI will cover the cost of flights to and from Germany or Austria and an overnight stay in a double room for the winners. By submitting the electronic entry form, participants agree to receive marketing information about PANERAI and SWISSWATCHES products and services. PANERAI and SWISSWATCHES may send this information by email, SMS, telephone or post and may also use the data to provide personalised messages or advertising on social media or other digital platforms. Participants can withdraw their consent at any time. For more information on how PANERAI and SWISSWATCHES use participants’ personal data, please refer to the privacy policy of PANERAI (available at: https://www.panerai.com/en/quick-links/privacy-policy.html) and SWISSWATCHES (available at: https://swisswatches-magazine.com/privacy-policy/).

The conditions of participation are available at [https://swisswatches-magazine.com/panerai-swisswatches-2024-terms-and-conditions/]. By participating in this competition, the participant expressly accepts and recognises the conditions of participation.


1. The competition is subject to the following conditions of participation. By taking part in the competition, participants expressly agree to these binding conditions of participation. If you do not understand the conditions of participation, you should not take part.

2. The competition is hosted and organised by swisswatches.media GmbH, Konsul-Smidt-St. 24, 28217 Bremen (hereinafter referred to as ‘SWISSWATCHES’) and the competition partner Richemont Northern Europe GmbH, Landsberger Str. 302-306, 80687 Munich (hereinafter referred to as ‘PANERAI’).

3. Participation in the competition is possible from 9 September 2024, 09:00 a.m. to 9 November 2024, 09:00 a.m. To participate, each participant must enter his/her contact details in the entry form available at https://swisswatches-magazine.de/panerai-submersible-luna-rossa-2024/ and register using the button integrated there.

4. SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI reserve the right to cancel the competition at any time or to change the conditions of participation at any time without prior notification of the participants. The current version of the conditions of participation can be viewed online at [https://swisswatches-magazine.com/panerai-swisswatches-2024-terms-and-conditions/] at any time during the competition. Participants will be notified by email of any changes to the terms and conditions of participation that are made after they have registered for the competition.

5. Legal recourse is excluded.

6. Should individual provisions of these conditions of participation be or become invalid, this shall not affect the legal validity of the remaining provisions. They shall be replaced by an appropriate provision that comes closest to the purpose of the invalid provision.

Authorised participants

7. The competition is NOT open to minors. Participants in the competition must be at least 18 years old and resident in Germany or Austria. SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI assume that by participating in the competition you guarantee that you have the legal capacity to participate in the competition and accept the conditions of participation (i.e. that you are of legal age and have the mental capacity to act in a legally binding manner). SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI reserve the right to request proof of age and legal capacity.

8. Employees and immediate family members of employees of SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI and their affiliated companies, professional consultants and advertising and sales promotion agencies connected with the creation or organisation of the competition are excluded from participation in the competition. SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI reserve the right to verify the eligibility of participants.

9. No purchase is required to enter the competition. Registration for the competition is free of charge.

10. By participating in the competition, you warrant that all personal information you may be required to provide is true, current and complete.

11. Participants may not use the competition in an offensive or illegal manner.

12. SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI reserve the right to exclude participants if there is reasonable cause to believe that they have violated (one of) the conditions of participation or have otherwise behaved unfairly or fraudulently.

The competition – entries

13. The competition runs from 9 September 2024, 09:00 a.m. until 9 November 2024, 09:00 a.m.

14. Participation in the competition takes place by registering on the entry form available at https://swisswatches-magazine.de/panerai-submersible-luna-rossa-2024/, providing personal contact details and clicking on the ‘REGISTER’ button of the integrated registration button.

15. The form must be completed by the participant him/herself and not by third parties.

16. Only one entry per participant is permitted.

17. After the end of the competition, in the period from 9 – 23 November 2024, a random draw will be carried out by digital software among all participants in the competition by a representative of SWISSWATCHES or PANERAI in the presence of an independent person whose decisions are final in all matters relating to this competition.

18. The winner will be notified by SWISSWATCHES by 23 November 2024, first by e-mail and then by phone call.

19. PANERAI and SWISSWATCHES assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in operation or transmission, communications line failures, theft, destruction, damage, alteration or unauthorised access to entries, or lost or delayed entries, whether during operation or transmission due to transit delivery or other causes beyond the control of SWISSWATCHES or PANERAI.

Exemption from liability

20. Each participant agrees to indemnify and hold SWISSWATCHES, PANERAI and their respective parent companies and affiliates harmless from any and all claims arising from legitimate claims of third parties whose works he/she has co-opted or otherwise infringed, and to indemnify and hold PANERAI and their respective parent companies and affiliates harmless from any and all claims arising from legitimate claims of third parties whose works he/she has co-opted or otherwise infringed.


21. The winner of the competition will receive an invitation to a two-day trip to the Panerai Manufacture in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) including a flight from a German or Austrian airport and back to the same German or Austrian airport as well as an overnight stay in a 5-star hotel in a double room for one selected winner. The trip includes a shuttle service between the airport, hotel and manufactory as well as all meals during the trip. The trip is expected to take place in January 2025. If the winner does not have time on the final date, falls ill or is otherwise unable to attend, the claim to the prize will be cancelled. A new winner will be drawn from the available data according to the above procedure. The winner will be notified of the prize by email.

22. If the winner is unable to claim his/her prize for any reason whatsoever, no compensation or replacement will be paid and SWISSWATCHES or PANERAI will have no further obligations to the winner. The prize is personal and non-transferable. A cash payment of the prize is not possible. No prize will be awarded in the event of unauthorised actions by or on behalf of a participant. No substitution is permitted unless SWISSWATCHES and Panerai decide, at their sole discretion, to award a prize of equal or greater value as a substitute.

23. The winner will also be asked to provide additional contact information and details to enable delivery of the prize. If the winner does not respond within 10 days of 23 November 2024 or is unable to claim the prize, the winner will be disqualified.

24. In the event of such disqualification, SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI may, at their sole discretion, award the prize to another participant.


25. SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI accept no liability for any damage, loss, pain or suffering suffered by participants in the competition, unless the limitation or exclusion of such liability is not possible under applicable law. SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI are not responsible for problems with local postal services or technical malfunctions of networks, telephone lines, computer systems, servers or providers, mobile phones or computer equipment, malfunction of e-mail systems or submitted entry forms due to technical problems or congestion of the Internet, telephone lines or websites or any combination thereof, including any damage to or interference with the entrant’s or any other person’s telephone or computer or mobile phone associated with participating or downloading material from the PANERAI or SWISSWATCHES website, whether or not in connection with the competition.

Data protection and advertising

26. All personal data of participants will be used exclusively in accordance with the data protection guidelines of PANERAI (available at: https://www.panerai.com/en/quick-links/privacy-policy.html) and SWISSWATCHES (available at https://swisswatches-magazine.com/privacy-policy/), these terms and conditions of participation and in compliance with the applicable data protection laws.

27. By participating in the competition, participants agree that their personal data may be stored and used by SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI to conduct the competition, to send marketing communications to participants and/or to disclose the winner’s name to members of the public or regulatory authorities where required by applicable laws and regulations.

28. Apart from data required for the execution of the competition and other cases mentioned in these conditions of participation, all personal data of participants provided to SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI will be destroyed within six months of the end of the competition. If you request information about your personal data, its correction or deletion, revoke the use of your personal data by SWISSWATCHES or PANERAI or wish to exercise any of your other rights, SWISSWATCHES or PANERAI will process these requests in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. Deleting your personal data or asking PANERAI to stop using it may result in your registration for the competition being cancelled. Participants may ask SWISSWATCHES or PANERAI to stop sending them marketing communications at any time. Please note, however, that SWISSWATCHES or PANERAI may continue to send service-related (i.e. non-marketing-related) communications (e.g. in connection with the implementation of the competition). If you have any questions about personal data, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].

Applicable law

29. In the event of any dispute regarding the behaviour or eligibility of participants, the results or any other matter relating to the competition, the decision of SWISSWATCHES and PANERAI shall be final. No correspondence or discussions will be entered into in this regard.

30. The conditions of participation are subject to German law. Any disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions of Participation shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Munich courts.